Department of processing of grapes. There established five production lines. Their main task is not simply to increase the production of wine, but provide an individual approach to the processing of each grape variety. There is a lot of nuanced before sending the ripe berries on the crusher: variety, colour, character of the grapes. Roller crushers are more forgiving, and need for the processing of white grapes. Their mission is to call the first tear of grapes. Transparency and straw colour is the main in the white wine, so the juice is sent to storage capacitance for fermentation after pressing.
Centrifugal crushers provide fine crushing grape red varieties, when the quality of wine is influenced not only of the juice, but grape pulp and skin, and grape seeds. Crushed grapes are left alone with himself. This is a time, during which the mysterious transformation be done. The extraction of crushed grapes and supply it into reservoir for fermentation is only in 10 days.
The "Victoria’s" wine is placed in special containers to ensure the safety of the product.
Reservoirs for storage have been completely updated in 2006 - 2007 years. The company purchased the newest capacitances specifically designed for storing wine red grape varieties. Resources of the plant can store up to 700 000 gave wine.